Thank You For Helping Us Grow in 2021

Thank you for helping Growing Places Indy grow! 2021 has been a year of navigating the new demands we see as a result of COVID, which has only further proven the need for a strong and sustainable food system that is accessible to all members of the community. Growing Places Indy stepped up to help bring fresh food to neighborhoods that need it most through our urban farms, programs, and farm stands, though we could not have done it without help from volunteers, donors, and community partners. Thank you for being part of our mission!

With support from our donors, volunteers, and community partners, we were able to:

Launch New Initiatives

More than 100 donors helped us raise $15,000 to bring the Indy Night Market to life. As a result, the Indy Night Market series exceeded our expectations, with over 2,000 attendees at each event and 80+ local food vendors who play a critical role in the food system! We also piloted our Plant it Forward Program, providing communities, schools, and families with the tools, training, and resources needed to start their home or community garden.

Grow Signature Programs

The Grow Getters and Young Grow Getters farm apprenticeship programs expanded as we received funds to create a robust curriculum and formed partnerships with fellow local farmers! By receiving support on these programs, we were able to train and develop the next generation of urban farmers and expose the youth to the importance of urban agriculture. The Indy Winter Farmers Market returned in November in a bigger and better location, The AMP Marketplace, with more vendors than ever to serve Indy’s west side community.

Engage With Partners and Community Members

We hosted our first-ever Farm Open House on Halloween and got to eat, play games, and give farm tours to Near Eastside community members! We also hosted several volunteer events that engages us with our community partners. With help from our volunteers, we were able to build an outdoor classroom on the farm, plant native trees, do maintenance on the farm, and construct new raised garden beds! 

