Vote for an Edible Garden at the White House

The vote ends on January 15th, but you can still support the effort to bring an edible garden to more household yards, including the national lawn at the White Houes, at: 
  • – at this site you can also send them an email and ask them to bring the amazing WHO Farm Mobile to Indianapolis, perhaps even to our happy winter market.

Kitchen Gardeners International has been waging a web campaign–called Eat The View–to turn a portion of the White House grounds into an organic, edible garden. In fact, they have turned it into an even larger initiative called Victory Gardens 2.0 (asking the Obamas to lead the nation by example), and it’s in the running on the Ideas for Change in America contest on The top 10 ideas will be presented to the Obama administration just before inauguration day and form the basis of a nationwide advocacy campaign to turn each idea into actual policy. You can view and vote for Victory Gardens 2.0 at before January 15. 

We’d like to hear about your home gardens as well. As delightful as fresh food from the market in winter is, nothing beats fresh produce straight from your own garden during the warmer months. Home gardens also help us all to understand the care and effort taken by those who grow, raise and produce our food as their livelihood. Not to mention, kneeling on the ground and digging your hands down into the earth is a brilliant way to truly connect to the earth, to deeper awareness of the natural ways and rhythms of the world in which we live, and to soften, open and soothe the soul. In March, Slow Food Indy will be holding an heirloom seed sale during market. Keep posted for more information!

