Thanks to all who came out for Growing Places Indy this weekend!

Many thanks to everyone who came out to our events this weekend to support Growing Places Indy, while stretching your bodies and minds to new lengths!

We had an intimate showing of FRESH the documentary at Perk-Up Cafe on Friday, followed by thoughtful conversation and some great questions. Congrats to Diane & Peter who won the Jack Johnson concert tickets that evening, and special thanks to our gracious hosts – Alice & Jeanette. We raised $85 in donations!

Sunday afternoon we had a small, but hard working group of volunteers show up in
the rain for our Slow Food Garden @WRSP work day. With Kelly Funk* on our hearts and in our minds, we took the KIB truck, tools and materials into the shelther of the parking garage and made great strides in the construction of our 2nd compost bin! Sara, Audrey and Samantha also gave a stellar presentation on composting to those in attendance.

(* Visit the Kelly Funk Recovery Fund site, and keep up to date with John’s reports on her progress on the Seldom Seen Farm blog. Please keep sending the positive words, the encouraging energy, and the amazing outpouring of community love to Kelly, John, Laila, and all of their family.)

Sunday evening 30 yogis came out for the benefit class at Invoke Studio.
We shared a lovely evening of yoga, and raised $385 in donations!
Congrats to Dawn, Cary and Andrea who won the evening’s Jack Johnson concert
ticket raffle.

All in all that’s $470 that will be matched by the Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation, which means a total of $940 to continue our “growing” efforts. It is inspiring and humbling to be part of a community in which people are so willing to give of themselves, their time, money, energy and love, be it to help a friend in need or a fledgling organization grow. Thank you.

You can make a donation to Growing Places Indy and have it matched by Jack Johnson until we reach our $2500 goal by emailing Laura Henderson at

Thanks again to everyone for the tremendous support and encouragement!

