Strawberries and Pesticides

There is a message from Lisa Madison, Distribution & Outreach Coordinator, of FRESH the movie and the FRESH food campaign.

On a local note, I have yet to find anyone at any farmers market in Indianapolis selling chemical free or organically treated strawberries. Please keep encouraging our farmers to find chemical free and organic methods for growing this fabulous summer delight. Here’s the news from FRESH:

Strawberries are supposed to be delicious summertime treats; they shouldn’t cause cancer.

Methyl iodide, approved for use as a pesticide by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2007, is dangerously close to being approved as a soil fumigant for strawberry crops in California and spreading as a widely-used pesticide for crops around the country. The best way to make sure we stop the use of methyl iodide on our food supply is to get straight to the problem: the EPA’s decision to approve the chemical in the first place.

Click here to sign our petition: tell the EPA to ban methyl iodide from our food.

Methyl iodide causes cancer. It is a known neurotoxin and thyroid disruptor and has also been proven to cause spontaneous abortions in late-term pregnancies. Methyl iodide is even used to intentionally induce cancer cells in lab settings. And yet, the EPA has decided that methyl iodide is fit for our food, for our communities and for our bodies.

The time has come to raise our collective voice in strong opposition to the use of methyl iodide as a pesticide on our food. Please join us in our effort to stop this pesticide from reaching our food.

Click here to sign our petition: tell the EPA to ban methyl iodide from our food.

We’re joining in this petition campaign with our friends at CREDO Action, a group of progressive activists who recently organized more than 26,000 people to oppose California’s effort to approve methyl iodide. The EPA can reverse its decision on methol iodide at any point. Now is the time to make sure they do so.

We have until the end of June to tell the EPA how we feel about this toxic chemical. We will deliver your comments to the EPA in collaboration with CREDO Action and the Pesticide Action Network North America.

Please add your signature today.

Let’s make sure the EPA hears our momentous outcry. This is a truly horrific toxin that we must keep out of our already battered food system. Please share this widely, with those who you care about.

Eat safe,

Lisa Madison
Distribution & Outreach Coordinator

