Sign-Up for the weekly Indy Winter Farmers Market E-Newsletter

Sign-Up to receive market news weekly from our fun and informative weekly e-newsletter. Click here to subscribe.

Also, please remember we will be collecting food items weekly for donation to a local food pantry or soup kitchen. You can bring canned goods (of a quality you would feed your own family) or buy items at market to donate. Look for the orange half barrel by the Market Information Table at the front door.
We want to encourage you to bring your own shopping bags that can be re-used. If you have extra shopping bags around – cloth, paper, or plastic – please bring them for the “Leave One, Take One” bin. If you forget your shopping bag one week, you can take one from the bin yourself. Re-using shopping bags, especially cloth, is one more easy way to practice responsible environmental stewardship. Plastic bags are a petroleum dependent product. The proliferation of plastic bags around the world has had a hugely damaging environmental impact. Many countries, and even some states in the US are moving toward banning their distribution in grocery stores. In Indianapolis, Marsh supermarkets will now give you 5 cents back if you bring your own grocery bag! We can’t give you money back, but we’ll give you a friendly smile and warm kudos for doing your part. 
Thanks! We look forward to seeing you Saturday!

