Call for volunteers this Saturday April 30th, 2011

Dear Family, Friends, and loyal volunteers of the Indy Winter Farmers Market,

We’ve come to the final week of the market season this year, and it’s been another fantastic season! With fabulous vendors, ever more customers, an exciting new sponsorship, and dedicated volunteers, we could not be more pleased. We look forward to providing you with more of the best in quality local food next year.
We have been very lucky to use the Maxwell space this year, and in order to make sure we leave the space in good order, we need to have an intensive cleaning and tear-down this Saturday after the market. We will be taking down lights, cleaning the floors, moving out tables & chairs, taking down the cloud curtains, and more. We really need volunteers to help us finish this task as quickly as possible, so we’re asking you to help us. We will stay after the market until around 3pm cleaning and closing out the Maxwell. If you can join for any or all of this time, please let us know. We know that the market wouldn’t be what it is without our dedicated volunteers, and we are very grateful for all the help you’ve given us this season.

Grow well, Eat well, Live well, Be well –
IWFM Staff

