Big week at Market, Vendors in the News, Slow Food Indy Annual Meeting

This is going to be another GREAT week at the IWFM. We have 30 fantastic growers, producers and food artisans bringing their unique, quality, delightful goods to market. Available products will include apples & cider, honey, goat cheese, Black Bird Pies, yarn, soups & chowders, and all the usual great selection as well. Don’t miss out!

Indy Winter Farmers Market vendors in the news!

In today’s Indy Star! If you have not tasted them for yourself, read here about Leanne & Jeananne’s unique & wonderful artisan Black Bird Pies.
The “baked & sweet” treats of Circle City Sweets were covered by Joelene Ketzenberger on January 21, 2009. Read about it here.
Tracey Clean’s non-toxic, all natural household cleaning products for greener living were featured in a January 17th Indy Star atricle. You can read it here.
The delightful, individual serving pie creations of Daina’s Petite Pies were featured on January 7th. If you missed, you can go back and read the article at this link.

Slow Food Indy
We’d like to bring a little attention to the Indianapolis Chapter of Slow Food, and the upcoming annual meeting.

What is Slow Food?
“Slow Food is an idea, a way of living and a way of eating. It is a global,
grassroots movement with thousands of members around the world that links the
pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment.”


Slow Food Indy is the Indianapolis Chapter of the national branch of the
international Slow Food organization. You are invited to attend the annual
meeting of Slow Food Indy. This year’s meeting will feature the stories and
photos of some of your favorite winter market vendors who attended the Slow Food
International meeting, Terra Madre, in Torino, Italy this past October. Here are
the details:

Slow Food Indy’s Annual Meeting
Torino Tales from Terra Madre: How a world food meeting will impact
Indiana’s food culture
Sunday, Jan. 25, 2pm
Normandy Barn, Indiana State Fairgrounds, 1202 E. 38th St.

Bring your favorite winter comfort food to share during a potluck meal
following the event.
Slow Food Indy’s delegates to Terra Madre in Torino, Italy, will speak
about their trip and how their experiences will impact our food culture in
central Indiana. As Slow Food Indy continues to grow, plans for 2009 will be presented to the membership and Slow Food USA members can vote on bylaws and chapter leadership for the coming year.

